Valerie Caine details the 2016 International Celtic Congress which is to be held on the Isle of Man.
Two Man Art Exhibition starts in Peel this week.
The theme of this year’s Hospice Care Week (6th - 12th October 2014) is “Hospice care, everywhere!”
Over £3,500 raised by Manxies taking part in Ice Bucket Challenges.
Calling all glasses wearers!! Girls Aloud singer and West End actress Kimberley Walsh has teamed up with Specsavers in Isle of Man and anti-bullying charity Kidscape.
One World Centre urges you to spend your pennies to help the 2.5 billion people in the world who don’t have access to a safe, private and hygienic loo.
Support the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway and Help Secure its Future.
Dying Matters is the national week when people are asked to Talk, Plan and Live Their Lives.
Celebrating Manx Birds at Inaugural Conference
Musicians from the Island play at Europe's biggest Inter-Celtic festival in Brittany. Lorient Festival attracts an audience of nearly 1 million people.